1. Add the almond milk to a sauce pan and heat on medium low to a light simmer
2. To a medium mixing bowl add the egg yolks, sweetener, sunflower lecithin and salt. Whip to combine well. Set aside until almond milk is simmering
3. Slowly add a little of the warm almond milk to the yolk mixture blend, and add more warm almond milk, a little at a time, as you blend until all the milk has been combined with the egg yolk mixture. Pour this custard base into the pan in which you heated the almond milk
4. Place the pot with the custard on your stovetop element, which is set to medium low heat. Stir continuously as the liquid heats to 80 C or 170 F. this will take about 7 – 8 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat
5. Prepare an ice water bath with a clean bowl in the center. Place a fine mesh sieve over the bowl and strain any curdled egg pieces. Remove the sieve and any residue left on it. Stir the custard from time to time to help with the custard cooling. Chill the custard so that it feels cool to your finger before proceeding
6. Combine the heavy cream and 1 tsp of vanilla. Whip to stiff stage. Set aside
7. For the strawberry ice cream flavor, prepare the pureed frozen strawberries. Set aside
8. When the custard has been chilled, add the second teaspoon of vanilla and stir well. Pour the custard into the whipped cream and gently whisk to combine. Pour the pureed strawberries into the custard mixture and fold to combine. OPTIONAL: if you would like a deeper pink color, add a dab or two of gel food color. Stir well until the color has been thoroughly blended into the ice cream
9. Pour the custard into a freezer safe container that has an airtight lid. Place a sheet of clingwrap on top of, and touching the surface of the ice cream. Seal with the lid and place into the freezer. OPTIONAL step: Freeze the ice cream for about 1 or 2 hours or until starting to form a solid. Remove the ice cream from freezer and whip with a blender to break up the crystals. Pour back into the container, cover with cling wrap and lid and put into the freezer until the ice cream is hard and at the consistency you like. Scoop out, garnish with fresh strawberries and enjoy!
10. Prepare your ice cream maker according to your manufacturer’s directions to ensure the ice cream tub is well chilled. When you have made the ice cream base, start the blade churning and pour into the ice cream maker tub. If there is a hardness setting, set to maximum. When done, the ice cream will be at a soft serve consistency
11. To form a hard scoop ice cream, transfer the ice cream to a freezer safe container, cover with cling wrap and seal with an air tight lid. Place into the freezer for about 4 hours, or overnight. To serve, scoop out, garnish with fresh strawberries, and enjoy!
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